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Friday, February 25, 2011

We were 7th!

After 14.5 hours of racing in our wrecked little Civic with an engine assembled in the back of a moving RV, was still running and turning out laps. We came in 7th with 675 laps completed. We were 50 laps off the winners, Hong Norrth's MX-3 LeMons Logix. At this point with a history of mechanical destruction, a new driver (not just new to the team, but completely new to racing), and a slow engine 7th is a victory for us. With limited stops and no extended penalties or in-race repairs we drove clean and kept the car out on the track.

Results page on the LeMons site:

The beer, was of course, a big hit. In addition to my usual strange brews Danny has rediscovered the magic flavor of his apricot IPA. Good stuff. With a light field of maybe 50 cars on the track, this LeMons had the promise of being quite enjoyable to drive. Unfortunately a leaky fuel injector put us at a pace where we were at the mercy of all but a few cars. It was still a blast to run up on the non-drivers in the corners and see them get sideways trying to drive in their rearview mirrors.

It was a great time, and especially enjoyable to not have to replace an engine on Saturday. We can't wait to go back and try again. We'll be fine tuning our pit procedures to save time, looking to lighten up the car, and getting our injectors cleaned to get back some much needed power.

Here's the finish with me driving under the checker (kind of a thrill);

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More Free Beer!

We don't keep getting a spot at LeMons for our driving skills. Nope, we bring free home brewed masterpieces to give away. Danny has a batch of beers brewing for the event, and I'll be bringing a few of my own. Namely;
  • Spiced Wheat: This is a blend of wheat and golden malts kicked up with some sugars, and spiced with coriander, nutmeg, rosemary, and clove.
  • American Brown: This is a pre-mixed concoction from Mr. Beer. It is described a rich, malty brew. I, of course, added some sugar to make it stronger.
  • Irish Stout: Dark malts with some honey added to up the %ABV. Like a man's version of Guinness.
Even after bribing the judges I'll have 50+ bottles to give away. Stop by and get some.

-Robert McDaniels

Team Drinking and Driving is going back to LeMons

We are headed to Southern Discomfort at Carolina Motorsports Park (CMP) for our next LeMons Race on Feb 19-20. Roger has the Duff Beer Civic back together after a catastrophic impact with Tuna Chuckers. The engine runs and the wheels align, so we're going racing.

New to the drivers seat, Daniel Leszczak, will be moving from crew to crew AND driver. Skippy is sitting this event out. Danny's not just new to our driver's seat, but racing in general. What a way to learn. He'll be getting some practice laps in on Friday, and then we throw him to the wolves on Saturday and Sunday. We'll also have a new tow vehicle. Roger bought a "short bus". Seriously, it is a used mini-transit bus with wheelchair lift. How appropriate for a LeMons event

Some new rules we hope will improve our chances;

  1. No drinking until the car is ready for the next day. In hindsight,this one should have been obvious.
  2. One black flag = driver change. This one keeps the more ambitious drivers in check.
Of course we'll have tons of free home brewed beers, so if you're at the event, stop by and have a few beers. If you are not going to LeMons, check the blog for updates on our success or failure. See ya.
Team Drinking and Driving with the "Heroic Fix" Trophy for Fall 2010

-Robert, Team Captain